
Tisha B'av and the Nine Days

5 Delicious 9 Days Recipes Brought To You By Whisk!

Whisk August 2, 2022

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It’s always hard to create content for the 9 days. It’s difficult to find the right balance between creating new dairy dishes so that you, our readers, can have dinner inspiration, while keeping the dishes simple enough so that we don’t lose track of what these dairy dinners are really about.


Here are some easy-to-do dinners to feed our families.


  1. Veggie-Stuffed Deep-Dish Pizza by Yehudis Mann
    This is a wonderful twist on the typical pizza night. This recipe yields two deep-dish pizzas so you’ll have one to put away, although it’s more likely that both will get eaten before it gets to the freezer!

  2. Crispy Flounder by Yehudis Mann
    The crispy onions give the flounder delicious texture and flavor.

  3. Easy Cheesy Stuffed Manicotti by Yehudis Mann
    No need to precook the manicotti shells. They will cook in the oven with this savory veggie-tomato sauce for a one-dish hearty meal.

  4. Cheesy Spinach-Stuffed Potatoes by Yehudis Mann
    Creamy, flavorful goodness in each bite makes this a delicious and satisfying meal, even for non-spinach lovers!

  5. Cheesy Broccoli and Potato Blintz Bake by Yehudis Mann
    What I love about this dish is that it uses mostly ready-made ingredients without compromising on taste. It’s a delicious, mouthwatering dish that takes just a few minutes to throw together.