Tisha B’av starts this weekend.
There are tips and tricks to try and make pre and post-fasting easier. How you prepare before the fast can really help sustain you for the entirety of the day.
The thing that has helped me personally to have an easier fast is to make sure to drink and stay hydrated at least three to four days before the fast. Last year I made Rorie’s electrolyte drink, and it helped so much! I highly recommend trying it.
Here are some great recipes to make for Shalosh Seudot this year to help prepare for the fast.
May this Tisha b’Av be transformed from a day of mourning into a day of joy with the coming of Moshiach.
Full ‘n Free Potato Salad by Rorie Weisberg
Yukon gold and red potatoes are lower glycemic versions of the white potato, and their flavors just pop.
Lemon Fruity Quinoa Salad by Brynie Greisman
This salad is really easy to throw together. It’s never boring, as you can sub different herbs and fruit. It’s packed with lots of good-for-you nutrients and can be served warm or cold.
Zesty Pasta with Chickpeas by Brynie Greisman
Serving beans and pasta together is a complementary protein; it can be served at room temperature and keeps you full for a long time.
Classic Egg Salad by Sina Mizrahi
This egg salad is more than just your standard eggs and mayonnaise. It has some secret ingredients that really help bring the flavors to the next level.
Bagel Rolls from the Nitra Cookbook
Make your own bagels at home with this great recipe from the Heimishe collection. An extra bonus is that the dough itself is egg-free too!
Chickpea “Tuna” Salad by Sharon Shriqui
Learn to make this mock tuna salad made from chickpeas.
Healthy Banana Bread by Chaya Piatt
This moist and delicious healthier banana bread is the perfect treat to begin and end your fast with.
Babka Bites by Paula Shoyer
Adorable bite-sized versions of the classic babka. You won’t be able to just stop with one of these chocolatey bites.