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In the age of Coronavirus, we think even latkes should wear a mask! Here’s how we made our coronalatkes. ( We know you won’t be able to stay 2 feet away from the latkes!)
Submitted by Batya Levin and Tehilla Klein
4 large potatoes, peeled
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 cup olive oil
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
oil, for frying
apples or zucchini, or other pale vegetable
Grate the potatoes and squeeeeeze out all the liquid. Add seasoning and olive oil.
Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the latkes as usual.
After the latkes are ready, (the best part!) design your own masks! We recommend apples or zucchini. We cut ours in to a mask shape and made three small slits to make it look like a mask!
Add a side dish of applesauce and have a happy Chanukah!
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