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This spread beats hummus any day. Firstly, it’s much lower in fat, has no preservatives or additives, and tastes positively delicious. Even the photographer and stylist thought so! (Yes, there are side benefits to photographing food!) I was hoping I’d have it for Shabbos, but there was hardly any left! It tastes amazing on whole wheat challah! You don’t want to miss this Shortcuts video.
1 (15-ounce/500-grams, approximately) can Haddar Chickpeas
1/2 cup Bartenura Olive Oil (see below)
2 tablespoons fresh parsley (or 1 tablespoon dry)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 whole scallion
1-2 cloves garlic or 1-2 cubes Gefen Frozen Garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt
Blend all ingredients in the food processor. It should be a bit chunky and not completely smooth. Refrigerate. Use this within two to three days, (but don’t worry – it will finish before!) Serve with veggies and pita or crackers.
Thank you to the Alters.
Still Photography: Daniel Lailah Styling: Michal Leibowitz
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NINJA can i do it in a ninja
Yeah. I do it in my ninja.
Garbanzo bean spread. Do you drain the chickpeas or use the liquid also