
Recipe by Blends By Orly

Gluten Free Deep Dish Pizza

Dairy Dairy
Medium Medium
6 Servings


- Dairy



  • 1 package active dry yeast

  • 1 teaspoon sugar

  • 1 cup warm water (105–110°F)

  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil


  • 1 and 1/2 cups canned ground tomatoes

  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano

  • 1 teaspoon dried basil

  • 2 tablespoons grated Romano cheese


  • 5 ounces (10 thin slices) part-skim mozzarella cheese

  • 5 ounces (10 thin slices) provolone cheese




In the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, dissolve the yeast with water and sugar. Add the vegetable oil and blend. Add the flour and salt and mix thoroughly for four minutes at medium speed, until the dough is smooth.



Add olive oil to a deep bowl. Place the dough ball into the bowl and turn it twice to coat it with the oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and let dough rise at room temperature for 2 hours.

Make the Sauce


Once the dough has doubled in size, start the sauce. In a mixing bowl, combine the canned ground tomatoes, oregano, basil and Romano cheese and mix together. You can alternatively use your favorite jarred sauce.  Set aside.

Assemble and Bake


Preheat oven to 475 degrees Fahrenheit.  Coat the sides and base of a 12- x 1½-inch deep dish pizza pan or cake pan with olive oil or olive oil spray.


Spread and push the dough ball across the bottom of the pan and up the sides.


Lay the slices of mozzarella and provolone on top of the dough, overlapping the slices to cover all of the dough.  Spread the tomato mixture evenly over the cheese.


Bake 25–30 minutes until crust is golden brown.  Optional: sprinkle some grated Romano cheese or Parmesan cheese on top. Remove from pan with two spatulas, slice and serve!

Blends by Orly

For more gluten-free recipes, videos, and baking tips, visit blendsbyorly.com.

Gluten Free Deep Dish Pizza

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lisa stoch
lisa stoch
6 years ago

where can get gluten free flour Is it possible to get this gluten free flour blend in israel?

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Reply to  lisa stoch
6 years ago

They should have it in the makolets. I know that she sells her blend online too.

Reply to  Cnooymow{shman
6 years ago

My daughter has celiac and she uses special blends. She uses one called “Kemach K’ragil” – קמח קרגיל, and Kemach Tami – קמח תמי, They are both under the hechsher of the B’datz Aida Hacharadit. She said they can be found in Yesh, Rammi Levi, and Osher Ad. They can also be found in health food stores (my experience is it is more expensive in the health food stores). There is another one that she says is hard to find called Kemach H’Aretz (the company name) and the actual kemach is called Milino. (Also B’datz). She said the Kemach Tami is excellent. There is also a yeast dough put out by Osem with a Harlap hechsher, and our Rav, who is also one of the Rabbanim in charge of the Kashrush of the Aida, told her there is no problem using it. There is also a pizza dough mix called “Mix for Pizza” – תערובת של פיצה , by a company called Ta’arovet HaChef, also Aida. Happy baking!