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Paula Shoyer

Paula Shoyer, "the kosher baker," is the author of three cookbooks, The Kosher Baker (2010), The Holiday Kosher Baker (2013) and The New Passover Menu (2015), and the Healthy Jewish Kitchen (November 2017), and The Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook (2021). Paula is a freelance writer for Washington Post, Hadassah, Joy of Kosher, jewishfoodexperience.com and others. She teaches cooking classes all around the world for Jewish shuls and organizations. Paula's recipes have been featured in major publications.

Paula appears on TV before major Jewish holidays including Food Network's Sweet Genius, Home and Family, Fox News NY, San Diego Living, NBC Baltimore and every Washington DC station, where she lives with her family. Paula consults for kosher food companies. Paula was named A Woman to Watch by Jewish Women International, Woman of the Year by the Hamptons Hadassah and a kosher food pioneer by the kosher blogger community. Paula can be found at www.thekosherbaker.com.





