
Plan Passover Meals with this Handy Menu Printable

Categories: Passover

Faigy Murray March 15, 2018

Wow! What an honor to be here and a part of such an amazing group of women who—thanks to Danielle Renov—came together and joined forces to create the most amazing all-in-one Pesach headquarters!

I was invited to share my love for all things lists. I am a list person, and have been since the day I learned to write. I can’t function without lists, and needless to say, when Pesach comes around, I’ve got dozens of them! My most important list, which probably takes me close to 5 hours to put together is my Pesach menu. My table (and sometimes, I even have to move to the floor) turns into a war zone of papers, cookbooks, pens, papers, and rulers. I make my menus weeks in advance. Now the funny thing is, I don’t actually cook for Pesach. I go to my in-laws. But regardless, every Yom Tov—Sukkot, Pesach, Shavuot—whether I’m hosting or not, I still create a menu.

Over the last few years I make my own menu and come with lots of empty templates because the second I arrive at my inlaws, I am given piles of legal pads and asked to decipher the pages and pages of notes my mother in law took and plug it into a menu.

Now menu planning isn’t easy. I need to know which guests will be at which meal. Who likes to eat what. And I like to space food out so we aren’t eating similar things four days in a row. Pesach presents a challenge simply because we are limited to what we can actually eat. But I think over the years, I’ve got it down to a science. Like anything, my menu isn’t sealed in stone. I often switch things up, change things around, and add last minute recipes I came across.

I’m here today to share my menu with you!

I have a blank template as well as one fully filled in. I did not type up any recipes. But most of them are posted on my page. Come follow me and DM me any questions you may have. I’m here to help you!! It’s overwhelming but we will get through this together!!

Happy planning!


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5 years ago

Menu Planner Thank you for the handy menu planner for Pesach. Just wanted to point out a minor error – for last days, you have the 2nd day coming before the 2nd night.

Reply to  Bari
5 years ago

Thank you for letting us know!