
Wine and Grape Products

Grapes themselves have no special kosher considerations, but wine, grape juice, and other grape products are some of the most highly kosher-sensitive.

All grape juice, grape wines or brandies must be prepared under strict Orthodox rabbinic supervision and may not be handled by non-Jews. However, once a kosher wine has been cooked, no restrictions are attached to its handling. Such products are generally labeled “mevushal” (cooked). (Read more on Jewish involvement in kosher food preparation.)

Other Grape Products that Require Extra Supervision

  • Grape jam (produced from grape pulp), as well as all other varieties of jam and jelly, require supervision because they may be processed on non-kosher equipment and may contain non-kosher additives.
  • Grape jelly is produced from grape juice and can be used only when produced from kosher grape juice under proper supervision.
  • Natural and artificial grape flavors may not be used unless they are kosher endorsed. Many grape flavors contain natural grape extracts and are labeled artificial or imitation because other flavoring additives are used in the formula.
  • Fruit juices require supervision because they are often adulterated with grape juice. 
  • Liqueurs require supervision because of the flavorings used in these products. In addition, the alcohol base may be wine derived.

Adapted with permission from our partner OU Kosher. Original