
5 Adorable 1st Birthday Cakes That Will Wow!

Categories: Cooking and Baking

Kosher.com Staff July 30, 2023

Your little one is turning the big 1! You probably can’t believe where the time has gone. It feels like they were born just last week.

To celebrate such a big milestone for baby, and a HUGE accomplishment for you, make the day extra special and festive with an amazing birthday cake.

If you’re going to spend your time on anything, let it be the birthday cake. Why?

1. Because everyone loves a great cake.

2. The birthday cake is the star (after the birthday kid) of the party- think about all those pictures it’ll be featured in.

3. It’s an easy way to knock a themed party out of the park.

Below are cakes for almost any type of party. Try them yourself, or enlist a friend or relative to tackle the job. And feel free to add your own touches and personal details- make it yours!

We hope whichever cake you choose helps make the day that much sweeter (if that’s even possible).

Happy Birthday!

  1. Cupcake Cake by Faigy CohenDigging into a pint-sized cake is something that has mamas and grandmas squealing with delight! Obviously, the more cream the better, which makes this giant-sized cupcake just perfect for your one-year-old’s birthday! It’s small enough that it’s not too overpowering, yet full of messy cream; I’d say this one is a winner!

    As soon as you get the hang of making buttercream rosettes, you’ll realize that it’s really no big deal to pull together. The best part is that you can adapt this cake to your own style or theme by using your creativity to decorate the top. You can use colored sprinkles of your choice or a number 1 lollipop. I made mini fondant butterflies for a whimsical look, but feel free to check out the baking aisle in any grocery for other ideas to change it up. I believe this cake will have your toddler squealing too!

  2. Construction Cake by Faigy Cohen
    Assembling this cake was real fun since the construction zone is one great big mess! You don’t need to be a perfectionist to get this right. The best part is the surprise inside – black and yellow caution stripes! Assembling it is actually simpler than it seems. If you’re too overwhelmed at the thought, bake a plain round cake and just continue with the decorating instructions.
  3. Hello Kitty Cake by Faigy CohenIf you’ve never worked with fondant before, I suggest you start with a simple cake like this one. The nice thing about fondant is that it takes on the shape of the cake on its own and gives it a professional look without too much effort. I used a Hello Kitty cake pan, but any flat character pan of your choice should work the same way.

    Since birthdays are all about surprises, I usually try to incorporate some surprise inside the cake. There’s nothing like that reaction you get when it gets cut open. In this cake I used an easy method to make a zebra stripe effect inside, which usually gets a “Wow, how’d you do that?”

  4. Circus Tent Cake by Faigy Cohen
    For my son’s last birthday, I chose to go with a circus-themed party; after all, he’s my little acrobat who believes that anything higher than his waist is made for climbing on, and he lives in a circus dreamland. This is a pretty simple method, using a star tip to give the cake a ruffled look. All of my beginner cakes were done with this method, since if you mess up it just looks like part of the overall fluffy look. So, if this is your first attempt at cake decorating, I’d say go for it!
  5. Layered Birthday Cake with an M&M Surprise by Orlie PerlThis layered birthday cake will be your go-to cake for your family and friends. A sprinkled cake like this with a surprise inside is loved by everyone.

    I made this cake for my niece’s first birthday. Her initials are M.M., so naturally, we made an M&M-themed party. This is a four-layer cake, and it is super easy to make. You’ll see.


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