
Esther O. Shares 3 Perfect Passover Place Settings with Disposables

Categories: Passover

Esther Ottensoser April 9, 2024

Years ago, people only used plastic plates for the convenience. With such a plethora of stunning plasticware available these days, more and more people prefer to use the exciting designs and convenience of plastic dishes to make each meal look different and original.

If you are a stickler for real dishes, picking different pretty napkins to go with your décor can make the table look interesting and extra pretty too.

Featured here are a few different looks. Remember, there are many meals, so you can choose more than one look.

Bold Gold & Black

For this décor you can use any inexpensive white tablecloth. A runner is a great way to add a pop of color to a tablescape.

You will need:

White tablecloth

Black and white runner

Gold vases

Black, white, and gold plates

Gold cutlery

9-ounce and 14-ounce stemware

Floral napkins


True Blue

I love the way this white tablecloth has just a subtle design, giving it some character, yet still keeping it very Yom Tovdik. Add some pretty blue and white details to complete the look. I added pink flowers for a pop of color.

You will need:

Blue and white floral tablecloth

Gold and clear charger

Gold/glass vase

Blue plates and cutlery set


9-ounce and 14-ounce blue stemware


Green Goodness

I love anemones, so when I found this napkin, I decided to build the tablescape around it. The cascading greenery adds interest and dimension to the table.

You will need:

White tablecloth

Gold mirror chargers

Green plates

Green cutlery


Green vase


Wishing you all a Chag Kasher V’sameach!

Esther’s passion is using creativity to bring the little joys to life.
She connects with her fan club through her website, https://estherodesign.com/ and through her plate art column in Mishpacha’s Family First Magazine.

Photos by Chaya Meisels Photography.


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