

How To Make The Most Adorable Passover Pillowcases!

Lisa Dvorin March 15, 2021

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By Lisa Dvorin:


Kids will be so proud to make Pesach extra meaningful by decorating a pillowcase just for the Seders!  We recline to remind ourselves that we are free, and that freedom surely will be extra sweet with a one-of-a-kind pillow covered with Pesach objects – Haggadah, hand-washing cup, four cups of wine, matzo, Seder plate, Elijah cup and more!

You will need:

– White Pillowcase – You can use a regular-size cotton pillowcase with a regular-size pillow, or you can use a toddler-size cotton pillowcase and pillow.  The pillowcase and pillow in these photographs is My Perfect Nights Toddler Pillow with Pillowcase 13 x 18 White Machine Washable Soft Organic Cotton.

– Fabric Markers – The fabric markers used in this craft are Arteza Fabric Markers, Set of 30 Assorted Colors, Permanent and Machine Washable Ink. Alternatively, you can use acrylic paint.

– Iron

– Painter’s tape or masking tape

– Thick paper or brown grocery bags


1. A white cotton pillowcase works best for this craft as the ink from fabric markers can sometimes bleed on other fabrics.  You can use a regular-size pillowcase; however, a toddler-size pillowcase and pillow are a nice size for a dining chair.  Wash the pillowcase in cold water first and dry on low heat – even better, dry on low heat for about ten minutes and then let the pillowcase air dry overnight.  Washing it ahead of time also helps reduce the chances of the ink bleeding.

2. Iron the pillowcase to get all the wrinkles out.

3. Put a thicker sheet of paper (such as a piece of a paper grocery bag) in the pillowcase to keep the ink from bleeding through from the front of the pillowcase to the back of the pillowcase.

4. Use painter’s tape or masking tape to secure the pillowcase to your table so that the pillowcase stays nice and smooth as you decorate it.

5. Design your pillowcase with fabric markers!  It helps to have some Pesach items in front of you for reference.  You can also write “Happy Passover” or “Pesach Sameach” in Hebrew or the English transliteration.

6. Allow the ink to dry for at least 30 minutes and then put the pillowcase on your pillow.

7. Use your beautifully-decorated pillow and recline at your Seders just like royalty!

I hope your kids have a blast making these and enjoy using them at the Seders! Chag Sameach!