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By: Esther Pransky, Lubicom Marketing Staff
Have you heard about Nosh & Nibble yet? It’s the all-new cooking and crafting show that’s coming in December, brought to you by and PJ Library.
It’s FOR kids, BY kids, ABOUT kids!
You’ll learn kid-friendly recipes, cool kid kitchen hacks, awesome DIY kid crafts, and more. Best of all, the Nosh & Nibble cook is a kid, just like you.
So, who is Nosh & Nibble’s first superstar kid cook? We know you have all been patiently waiting to find out, so without further ado.
Introducing. . . Rylee!
She’s bubbly! She’s fun! She’s funny! She has great ideas for food and crafts. (Plus, you’ll find out what she has in her backyard that scares adults, but not kids.)
You’ll officially meet Rylee when you watch her on Nosh & Nibble, but here’s a little bit more about our newest star!
Rylee At-a-Glance
Age: 11
Hometown: Woodmere, NY
Family: Mom, Dad, two older sisters, one older brother
Grade: 6
School: HAFTR (Hebrew Academy of Five Towns & Rockaway)
Favorite Smell: Citrus
Go-to Late Night Snack: Blueberries (Why? “They have fiber, and I wouldn’t be hungry as much anymore, and I would maybe be able to sleep better.”)
Favorite Ice Cream: None. She prefers strawberry or mango sorbet
Candy of Choice: Sour bricks from Oh! Nuts, by the pound (“It’s basically sour candy on the outside. And then inside there’s this white stuff. It’s really good because it tastes sweet and sour at the same time.”)
Favorite Pizza Topping: French fries (Yes,on top of her pizza.)
Favorite Subject in School: Definitely Language Arts
So how did Rylee get to Nosh & Nibble?
It started with PJ Our Way, the PJ library program for older readers that offers Jewish themed books to Jewish tweens, aged 8 ½ to 12. The go-getter that she is, Rylee joined the PJ Our Way Design Team, which creates videos and reviews for the website.
One project was to submit a cooking video based on a PJ Our Way book. That video came in handy when, four months later, Rylee’s mom saw the application for Nosh & Nibble. Rylee sent in her cooking video and then forgot all about it. But a little while later she found out she was a finalist. And then, early in November on her birthday, her mom told her she was chosen as the first cook!
Get Ready for Some Fun
What will Rylee be cooking on Nosh & Nibble?
She can’t reveal details, but here’s what she can say:
“Get excited because is having its first kids cooking show. So you don’t have to watch adults make foods that aren’t necessarily for kids. We’re making kid-friendly foods.”
Rylee believes it’s important that crafts use materials you can find around the house. Otherwise, what happens if it’s a snow day or your parents don’t want to take you to the store for supplies?
“We’re doing crafts with homemade stuff. DIYs. It’s going to be so much fun.”
More Fun Facts About Rylee
- When Rylee hangs out with her friends, they like to make short videos or do crafts.
- Rylee and her father have fun going on roller coasters together.
- If she could go anywhere in the world, she’d choose Bora Bora Island in the Caribbean. “I just saw this video on YouTube, and there was this water slide coming out of a hotel room!”
- At camp, Rylee plays roller hockey, basketball, and soccer.
- She tried piano lessons, but it “wasn’t her calling.”
- Rylee’s on the debate team AND the Torah Bowl team at school.
Rylee in the Kitchen
If Rylee were in charge of dinner prep, she’d revolutionize the meal.
She’d serve a kid-friendly dairy dinner with mac and cheese, lasagna, ravioli, pasta, and pizza. For the adults, there would be salad and salmon so they could enjoy the meal, too.
She loves her mom’s salmon, too, but “I also get obviously candy and snacks because I’m a kid, and I like all junky, yucky food, of course.”
Rylee is full of energy and will be sharing some pretty AWESOME cooking and crafting ideas with us on Nosh & Nibble!
Get ready, kids! The first show will come out on December 15. Trust us, you don’t want to miss it!
To be notified when it comes out, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list so you find out right away.
Are you excited to watch the show? Let us know in the comments below!