
Podcasts to Listen to While You’re Preparing for Passover

Categories: Healthier Living

Dena Gershkovich February 23, 2021

We love podcasts, as we believe they provide an easy, practical, and non-intimidating approach to learning. Just pop in some earphones while you’re cleaning your house for Passover, on your way to the grocery store, or cooking up delicious food for Yom Tov, and in minutes you’ll be caught up on the news, learn a life-changing hack, or become educated on the backstory behind that trend that’s been circulating on social media. Whether you’re new to podcasts or have been plugged in for awhile, these Judaism-focused recommendations, most of which were recommended by our Instagram followers, will contribute a new insight to your day. Enjoy!

Dating and Marriage:

This podcast is hosted by Kayla Levin, a marriage coach. Kayla takes her listeners (mostly newly engaged or married women) “from anxious and insecure to confident and connected” by providing inspiration and tips. One reviewer said that she “can’t get enough” of this podcast and listened to three episodes in a row!

Listen to #SpillTheT with Rifky and Devorah on your next car ride to hear this duo discuss all things beauty and boundaries. Recent episodes include discussions on “girl talk” and shidduchim.

Jewish Education:

Learn Tanach as you go about your day with the Tanach Study podcast! Tanach Study “hopes to broaden Torah learning, to increase knowledge of our Jewish history, heighten our Yirat Shamayim, Ahavat Hashem, and strengthen our personal as well as our national identity.”

On Streetwise Hebrew, Guy Sharett unpacks what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture from the modern Hebrew language. One review on Apple Podcasts states that this podcast is a “great way to learn useful Hebrew.”

This is a podcast by The Tikvah Fund, a philanthropic foundation that seeks to support Israel and Jewish leaders in intellectual, religious, and political pursuits. Give this podcast a listen to learn why many American peace processors view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the way that they do, for example. Another episode features a social scientist who discusses the impact he believes the COVID-19 pandemic will have on religious communities across the country.


In the Meaningful People podcast, Nachi Gordon and Yaakov Langer interview some of Judaism’s most influential people. Guests who have been featured on this podcast include Uncle Moishy, Charlie Harary, and Zusha.

The Rise & Shine podcast is hosted by Adrienne Gold Davis, and the lessons shared – all of which are rooted in Jewish values – will give you “just the boost you need.” One recent review on Apple Podcast states that “listening to Adrienne is pure GOLD!!”

Allison Josephs is the host of Jew In The City Speaks, a show that aims to highlight the meaningful elements of Orthodox Judaism and break down stereotypes. Every week, a new guest is interviewed. Some guests on recent episodes include Shabbat-observing Major League Baseball prospect Elie Kligman, as well as Elisheva Liss, a licensed marriage and family therapist, writer, speaker, and digital educator.


The Be Impactful podcast is hosted by Rebecca Deutsch-Itzkowitz. Rebecca tries to keep things “fashionable, fun, and flirty, all while not showing much skin,” in her life, and brings that energy into her podcast. The Be Impactful podcast has featured guests such as shoe designer Sarah Shagalow and hair and wig stylist Gitel Rosenzweig.

The Jewish Woman:

The Kale in my Teeth podcast, which is hosted by lifestyle and wellness blogger Rivki Rabinowitz, highlights how women are “limitless” and “multidimensional.” Each episode includes an interview with a different female entrepreneur. One episode features Kelsey Rose, the creator of Sweat with Kelsey, an online fitness platform and app. Another episode features Batsheva Haart, a fashion and lifestyle influencer.

The Boss Maidel podcast is hosted by Chanie Ehrentreu, mom, wife, and owner and principal designer of the residential interior design company Fine & Pink. The podcast was launched for women to have a safe space to share their stories. Join Chanie as she features Jewish women’s “unique experiences and narratives through authentic conversation.” Some women featured on the podcast include Leah Sandman, founder and curator of BellaChic, and Dini Klein, founder of Prep and Rally.

Join Bari Mitzmann for “candid discussions and practical advice for the modern woman” on the Woman of Valor podcast. Each episode features a different guest, and topics such as infertility, disordered eating, self-expression through color, and finding love at any size have been discussed on previous episodes.

The Franciska Show is hosted by Franciska, Jewish singer, producer, composer, and podcast coach. Tune in to Franciska’s interviews with others in her industry. One recent episode is titled: “Rejecting a SONY record deal for JUDAISM with Caro Daian.”

Jewish Current Events:

On Halacha Headlines, a panel of rabbis discuss topics inspired by current events and happenings, giving listeners “the koach to approach modern situations more educated on the halachic implications.” Recent episodes have discussed how the Torah views liberalism and progressivism as well as the role of Jewish media in today’s world.

Join the hosts of N’shei Shmooze as they “schmooze, discuss the news, and conduct interviews.” Episodes include interviews with New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz and New York State assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein.


Naomi Nachman (the Aussie Gourmet, host of Sunny Side Up, and one of our favorite foodies) is joined every week by industry guests to discuss food trends and kosher events on Table for Two. Her excitement is contagious. Just sit back and follow along as you’re taken on a food adventure.

If you are ready to “clear through the clutter of nutrition-speak,” you’ll enjoy Let My People Eat, hosted by Jill Sharfman, NC, and Dr. Andrea Moskowitz. In discussions with health coaches, doctors, and others in the kosher community, topics include living a balanced life, healthy eating, the affect of hormones, mindfulness, and the benefits of certain supplements and specific diets, and and so much more!

This list is just a taste of the podcasting world. Feel free to browse Spotify, Apple podcasts, and other apps for podcasts that may speak to you even more than the options listed here.

Listening to podcasts can make your Passover preparations a lot more bearable (dare we say even something to look forward to…?). Let us know if you give any of these a listen – and what your thoughts are – in the comments below!


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