Shailah of the Week

Should I Make a Shehechiyanu on Etrog Jam On Tu Bishvat?

OU Kosher January 9, 2022

OU Kosher Halacha Yomis Team


Some have the custom to eat etrog jam on Tu Bishvat. If one has not eaten etrog the whole year, does one make a Shehechiyanu blessing on etrog jam?


The Mishna Berura (225:16) writes that one does not recite Shehechiyanu on an etrog, since the fruit does not have a season. The etrog grows on the tree all year long. Since it does not have a set season, one cannot say Shehechiyanu. Some poskim disagree with the reasoning of the Mishna Berura. However, for another reason they too conclude that one should not say Shehechiyanu.



The blessing of Shehechiyanu was instituted primarily to be said when seeing a new fruit. However, since most people experience more joy when they eat from the new fruit, the custom has evolved to delay reciting the bracha until we eat the fruit. However in this case, the blessing of Shehechiyanu was already recited on the etrog when we shook it with the lulav on Sukkot. It is therefore not appropriate to recite the bracha again upon eating the etrog on Tu Bishvat. Additionally, the Eishel Avraham questions if one may recite Shehechiyanu on jam, since the pieces of fruit are not noticeable. The K’tav Sofer writes that to avoid all questions, it is best to recite Shehechiyanu on a different “new” fruit before partaking of the etrog jam.


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