
Recipe by Ryland, Peters & Small

Inside-Out Avocado Rolls with Chives and Cashews

Parve Parve
Easy Easy
8 Servings


- Tree nuts - Egg


Inside-Out Avocado Rolls with Chives and Cashews

  • 2 small or 1 large ripe avocado

  • 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice or Tuscanini Lemon Juice

  • 2 tablespoons Japanese mayonnaise

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon wasabi paste (optional)

  • 75 grams/3 ounces cashew nuts, pan-toasted (roasted, salted cashews work well)

  • a small bunch of chives

  • 2 sheets of nori seaweed, halved

  • 1/2 recipe vinegared rice (recipe here)



Peel the avocado and cut the flesh into small chunks. Toss in a bowl with the lemon juice, mayonnaise, salt and wasabi, if using. Mash slightly as you toss but not until mushy. Divide into four portions.


Chop the cashew nuts very finely and put in a bowl. Chop the chives very finely and mix with the cashew nuts. Divide into four portions.


Put a sheet of clingfilm/plastic wrap on the rolling mat. Put half a sheet of nori on top, rough side up, with the long edge facing you. Divide the rice into 4 portions and spread one portion over the nori.


Sprinkle one portion of the nut and chive mixture on top of the rice. Press it in gently with your fingers.


Carefully lift the whole thing up and flip it over so the rice is face down on the clingfilm/plastic wrap. Remove the sushi mat. Put one portion of the avocado in a line along the long edge of the nori closest to you. Carefully roll it up, then cut in half, then cut each half into three, giving six pieces. Repeat to make four rolls, giving 24 pieces.


From Sushi: More than 60 Simple-to-Follow Recipes, Ryland Peters & Small. Photograph by Diana Miller © Ryland Peters & Small Purchase on Amazon.

Inside-Out Avocado Rolls with Chives and Cashews

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