
Recipe by Louise Pickford

Orange and Cardamom Fondue

Parve Parve
Easy Easy
4 Servings


- Egg


Orange and Cardamom Fondue

  • 1 tablespoon green cardamom pods

  • very finely grated zest and 125 milliliters/1/2 cup freshly squeezed juice of 1 large orange

  • 2 egg yolks plus 1 whole egg

  • 60 grams/5 tablespoons caster/granulated sugar

Caramel Grapes and Dates

  • 250 grams/9 ounces fresh grapes

  • 125 grams/4 and 1/2 ounces fresh or semi-dried dates [checked and smooshed back together]

  • 225 grams/1 cup plus 2 tablespoons caster/granulated sugar

  • 60 milliliters/4 tablespoons water


Prepare the Caramel Grapes and Dates


Divide the grapes into small bunches and spear each date with a bamboo skewer.


Put the sugar into a heavy-based saucepan, add water and heat, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil but do not stir – you can gently swirl the pan around so the sugar colors evenly. Boil for five minutes until the sugar is a golden caramel.


Remove from the heat and, working quickly, dip bunches of grapes and dates into the caramel. Put onto a plate lined with Gefen Parchment Paper, let dry, then transfer to small plates.

Prepare and Serve the Orange and Cardamom Fondue


To prepare the fondue, put the cardamom into a dry frying pan/skillet and heat for three minutes until aromatic. Lightly crush the pods with a mortar and pestle. Put into a small saucepan, add the orange juice and zest and simmer gently for two minutes. Remove from the heat, let cool, then strain and measure 60 milliliters/four tablespoons.


Put the egg yolks, egg and sugar into a heatproof bowl set over simmering water. Using electric beaters, whisk the mixture for 10 minutes until thick and mousse-like. Gradually whisk in the measured orange and cardamom mixture and continue whisking for five minutes. Pour into a fondue pot and set over its tabletop burner, or into individual glasses, then serve with the dates and grapes.


From Fondue & Raclette: Indulgent Recipes for Melted Cheese, Stock Pots & More By Louise Pickford, Ryland Peters & Small Photography by Ian Wallace © Ryland Peters & Small 2022 Purchase on Amazon.

Orange and Cardamom Fondue

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