Brynie Greisman | Kosher.com Chef
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Brynie Greisman

Brynie’s fascination with food began when she was a teenager in Brooklyn. Today she is proud to give so many people the wherewithal to prepare delicious, nutritious meals from her home in Jerusalem. It’s not just about giving over a recipe – it’s sharing enthusiasm for what she loves! She’s awed, humbled, and even amused when people she meets label her as a “food celebrity”! She’s been with Mishpacha Magazine for over a decade now, as a recipe and food columnist. In truth, her expertise lies in reconstructing an ordinary recipe into a palatable, healthier version appealing to everyone across the board, not only necessarily health minded individuals. Brynie also gives workshops and cooking demos here and abroad to people of all ages. In addition she runs a successful home-based business, Tasty Lo-Fat Creations, for the past 11 years, selling whole wheat low fat muffins, biscotti, cakes and more. So she is in the kitchen most of the time – and happy to be!


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