Video By Nitza, Naturally Episode 3

Mi Casa, Succa'sa

Mi Casa, Succa'sa

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1 month ago

I love all your videos, and would really appreciate if you would post some still pictures of your projects, too. For easy reference and ideas so i don’t have to watch the whole video each time.
Beautiful and inspirational, it’s so refreshing to see a talented balabusta at work and to enjoy your humour and wit!
Keep them coming, we love them!!

Chana Fox
Reply to  B M
1 month ago

Hi! Here is an article which contains still pictures and more info about the sukkah:

-Chana Tzirel from

1 month ago

I love seeing your videos all the way in Stamford Hill London uk, they are gorgeous! Even though i won’t necessarily do the same, it gives me much inspo and enjoyment.
If anyone feels negatively about this series, you are not forced to watch.
Let’s talk positively about one another and be positive in general, and you will see that those who are, are usually kind, happy and loved by others. Negative personalities are usually avoided by others. Especially with the situation in Eretz Yisroel and around the world, let’s show ahavas yisroel and not vilify anyone and/or shame anyone publicly.
May we all have a kesiva vechasima toiva, and a gitt gebenched yuhr for klal yisroel around the world iy”H, TOGETHER!!

3 months ago

Nitza, I love your series, and so do many of my friends. A comment to all the haters: #1: Some of us are super-creative, and it’s so nice to find inspiration to use our creativity on Jewish events and yomim tovim. #2: If budget is an issue; I want to raise two points: a. you can always replicate or come up with your own beautiful sukkah decor that fits your budget. b) A sukkah is supposed to be beautiful – you’ll never get poor by spending on yom tov- the opposite is true. #3: I’ve read a lot of memoirs from the 16th and 17th century Jews. Succos was always a very special yomtov- everyone went all out – according to their means. The families who could afford it built an all-year-round gazebo on their property and spent days decorating it before yom tov. #4: Nitza, please keep the videos coming – you are an inspiration to all of us who may sometimes feel that our creativity gets trapped in the day-to-day marathons of our lives. I’ve used this video as inspiration for our own sukkah, and cannot wait to share photos. And yes, I am PROUD that I am planning, dreaming, and working on my Sukkah since Pesach. If any of you reading this love Nitza’s show as much as I do; please comment as well – let’s override the negative comments with positivity and love.

Ruchi e
Ruchi e
6 months ago

wow!! its stunning!!

Tehila Fleischman
Tehila Fleischman
8 months ago

Nitza your sukkah is gorg i cant believe you put so much work into it
anyone who is writing mean hurtful things that is what is pathetic not nitza.if you are just jealous that she has the time and ablility to make such a beautiful sukkah then dont write hatemail . this week is parshas yisro the pasuk says vayichan shum yisroel bni camped in singular cus bni camped k ish eched bilav eched like one man with one heart
their is a war ppl are dying and you are sitting there writing disgusting things.
i can not believe this the last thing we need is no unity that is what we need to break the gates of shamayim to stop this war and bring mashiach. the hatemail is pathetic. dont be such a loser that all you do with your life is put ppl down
i thought am yisroel was better then this
i am disapointed 🙁
try to maybe do something useful with your life like daven and pray for the hostages
thnak you sorry if this comes out as harsh i didnt mean it like that i mneant it as a way to reflect at the comments you made

Ruchi e
Ruchi e
9 months ago

When is the next one coming out>

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Avigael Levi
Reply to  Ruchi e
9 months ago

Within the next few weeks!! Stay tuned

11 months ago

when is the next episode coming out?

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Avigael Levi
10 months ago

Stay tuned!!!!

Ruchi e
Ruchi e
1 year ago

When is the next episode coming out?

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lassberg leah
lassberg leah
Reply to  Ruchi e
1 year ago

i know right

Avigael Levi
Reply to  Ruchi e
1 year ago

Soon soon…..

Shuli Saks
Shuli Saks
1 year ago

Stunning!! I think this show is fun and inspires creativity but not always so practical (Not all of us have such a high budget for our succa decor…)
Thank you Nitza, you did a great job!

michal mazovski
michal mazovski
1 year ago

Wow it’s gorgeous!!!!

Adina k.
Adina k.
1 year ago

I dont know what is right or wrong but what I do know is that fighting and lashon hara is not helping the problem, while there my be an issue a too much gashmi the is a HALACHA on lashon hara, onaas devarim if this show makes one feel uncomfortable opt out rather than spreading your opinions publicly .Lets try to also keep this website kosher in its comment section aswell.

Rita Rosenthal
Rita Rosenthal
1 year ago

im kinda confused with this show…. i guess its for the minority of jews who have the time and money for this , but i do like the gallery wall, does anyone know where i can get the stock photos from?

B. Karmel
B. Karmel
Reply to  Rita Rosenthal
1 year ago


sarah friedman
sarah friedman
1 year ago

I had a very uneasy feeling about this whole series in general. I do expect better from owned by Kedem and the Herzog winery!! Showcasing a women that’s all about her figure and her way of dress is against basic modesty.

malka gold
malka gold
Reply to  sarah friedman
1 year ago

Your comment does not represent us, maybe it represents you
 You don’t like this show, so don’t watch it!
At least I enjoy it very much and learn from it
 And many more like me love Nitza and what she does
My comment is not against you Sara, but if you find that this show is not to your liking, then there is no need to insult this show You can keep it in your heart

Ellen Berger
Ellen Berger
1 year ago

You go Nitza! ignore the haters and keep creating the awesome content!

lassberg leah
lassberg leah
Reply to  Ellen Berger
8 months ago


Esther Leah
Esther Leah
1 year ago

I live in Israel for over 50 years, and in Yerushalayim for over 40. I live in Ramot. While there are people able to decorate their succot, even VERY fancy, I have not found it to be the norm. Most people do put out furniture and pictures and artwork, and are fancy. But when the Kupot Zadaka are working overtime to help people put food on their tables, and clothes for their families, this kind of sukkah decorating is not “the norm”. One can make a beautiful, kovodik sukkah without these trappings. If you can do it, fine. But should this be the emphasis that wants to present? (The Tomchai Shabbos in America are also workiing overtime. . .). And again, this is not in any waypersonal against Nitza.
Good Shabbos and גמר חתימה טובה לכולם

1 year ago

It’s interesting that so many people find this excessive. In Yerushalayim, and many other places in Eretz Yisroel, Sukkahs are VERY fancy – even for those who don’t have a lot of money. It’s not all white sheets either. There are printed wallcoverings (made from plastic) that you can put on your walls. Real furniture is placed in the Sukkah, rugs, lamps, framed pictures, etc. The Sukkah noi isn’t just paper stars either. They are intricate, 3D models that use a variety of materials and would cost several hundreds dollars each if you could buy them in the stores. Ruchniyus-wise, a sukkah is a “spiritual abode” and should reflect all the beauty and kavod that come with that. Those who are worried about going overboard should look at their “regular” houses instead…

1 year ago

I too am uncomfortable with this series. It feels very over the top and super focused on gashmius. I believe in having a beautiful sukkah where all can contribute their talents and energy. But I dont see where themes and cabins have anything to do with noi sukkah.

lassberg leah
lassberg leah
Reply to  Toby
8 months ago

then why watch it , theres a summary for a reason

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
1 year ago

I think the ideas here are beautiful. I’m wondering if she or someone else can offer decor ideas that are more waterproof than wood and break proof? Many are dealing with nice size crowds KA”H (which can include very active kids) & the size of the Sukkah is small, relatively speaking, which increases the chances of things falling & possibly breaking). Also, many of us live in areas where it rains during this time of year. Not everyone that does, has a shlock (tarp) or awning & even those that do, chances are still high enough for rain to get it. So any idea that is more waterproof & break proof will I am sure be greatly appreciated. Even if it’s posted for next Sukkos.

p star
p star
1 year ago

Nauseating. Shmutz laeretz. Pathetic. Misses the whole point of the Sukkah- to look up to the schach and remember the temporariness of the physical world and feel Hashem is sheltering us, not cabin motifs. The highest weddings are the most simple. Some of the most holy and beautiful Sukkahs are made from white sheets and a table and chairs with a drawing by a child in kindergarten

Leah Gottheim
Reply to  p star
1 year ago

I agree with you about weddings, but actually the gemara says the opposite regarding a sukkah. The gemara in sukkah 28b says the sukkah should be beautifully decorated, comfortable, and made to look like one’s home. Of course everyone according to their means, but conceptually it’s better to make a beautiful sukkah. That’s why we make sukkah decorations. “Noi Sukkah.” If Nitza’s sukkah isn’t your personal style that’s fine, to each their own, but you’re not supposed to make your sukkah out of junk and scraps lechatchila, it should be as beautiful as your esrog.

Deena Nussbaum
Deena Nussbaum
1 year ago

I agree with Esther Leah. I’m sure Nitza is a very talented person, and this is in no way a rip on her, the whole vibe is off spiritually. Just feels like we’re trying to forget it’s a sukkah and cover it up.

malka gold
malka gold
Reply to  Deena Nussbaum
1 year ago

the opposite
There is a mitzvah to decorate the sukkah, everyone according to his ability, I don’t see anything wrong with it
Nitza Thank you for all the ideas!
And chag sameach to everyone!

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian
Reply to  Deena Nussbaum
1 year ago

make your multi-hundred dollar bbq and flower fest but please dont set a new standard for the very precious mitzva of succos