BBQ-ing is not rocket science. You turn on the fire, you place on the protein, and you take it off eventually. But many of us struggle with the little details that take a freshly grilled piece of protein from fine to fantastic!
How can you be sure when a piece of meat is ready? Which marinades are the best for my steak? And on that note, which meats really are the best for grilling for a crowd? We spoke to Marble and Grain’s very own Chef Bosh to give us some no-fail methods for excelling at the grill.
Kosherdotcom: How do you know when your meat is ready to be taken off the fire?
Chef Bosh: The biggest trick to cooking a great piece of meat is a thermometer with an actual digital read. For thicker pieces, you will want one on a cord that can be left in while cooking. For thinner pieces, you want an instant-read thermometer that can read an accurate temperature within less than 3 seconds.

Secondly, you want to take your meat off before it gets to the desired temperature. Because grills cook at high heat, the outside of the meat will get a lot hotter than the inside of the meat, so even after you take off the meat, the temperature will climb 5 to 10 degrees internally until it reaches equilibrium. The larger the roast and hotter the cooking temperature, the higher the carry-over temperature will reach after you finish cooking.
When cooking thick steaks like cowboys or tomahawks, you’ll want to first slowly cook the steak until it reaches under the target temperature.

For rare, I like 125° Fahrenheit for the finished temperature, so I cook the steak at 225° Fahrenheit either in the oven, smoker, or indirect heat on the grill until it hits 115° Fahrenheit. Then, I take it off and place it on a plate or in a glass dish for 10 to 15 minutes. Lastly, I sear all sides on the hottest flames I can.
For Denver steaks or Marble and Grain’s 1.25-inch rib steaks, I prefer to cook on a hot flame, flipping every 45 to 60 seconds till the meat hits 120 degrees internal. Let the meat rest for 10 minutes and then eat.
KDC: What meats do you recommend for BBQs?
Chef Bosh: I have different cuts that I love to cook based on what I have planned.

A flat iron makes a great quick snack, since it’s so thin and cooks so quickly. It’s also great for fun dishes like steak nigiri or steak sandwiches.

Denver steak is one of the most underrated steaks on the market right now, and our Marble and Grain variety is incredibly marbled! It’s a great steak to feed the family, or for caterers, as each piece is around 3/4 pound. With potatoes and a grilled vegetable, it makes a perfectly portioned plate and proves very economical.

But when I’m sitting around with the boys, nothing beats a 2.5-pound cowboy steak smoked and seared to go with a high ball of bourbon and a fat cigar. Sitting around a fire pit, those are the nights memories are made of.
KDC: What about another meat option that’s not steak?
Chef Bosh: For the nights that you are not in the mood of a steak, I suggest Marble and Grain’s 3-bone short ribs. These blocks of heavy marbled meat with their luscious fat layer are best cooked low and slow, either uncovered in the oven or in the smoker at 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

You will know when they are ready when your thermometer reads between 195 to 205 degrees. The meat should be pulling back from the bone about 1/2 inch. If you can pull the bones out, you went too far.
KDC: What the best way to prep your steak for grilling?
Chef Bosh: As for seasoning, when you’re using high quality meat, all it needs is salt and a little pepper. You’re paying top dollar for your meat, so enjoy the taste.