Here’s a fun edible treat to create anytime from Erev Sukkot through Chol Homoed. You can do as little or as much detail as you like, which makes this a great activity for all ages.
You will need:
- Peanut Chews (your favorite recipe), cut to rectangles approximately 2 x 3 inches
- 1 batch icing (my favorite is Esty Wolbe’s)
- Green food coloring
- Assorted decorating sprinkles, shapes, etc, as desired
- 2 to 3 ounces melted chocolate
1. Mix most of the icing with green food coloring. Reserve some white on the side. Place the green icing into a quart-size freezer bag.
2. Snip a small hole in the corner of the bag.
3. Use the green icing to make the s’chach.
4. Using the white icing and the sprinkles, create decorations.
5. For the doors, spread melted chocolate on a piece of parchment paper. Set aside till completely dry. Use a sharp knife to cut the doors and carefully “stick” them to the peanut chews with additional melted chocolate or icing.
Esther’s passion is using creativity to bring the little joys to life.
She connects with her fan club through her website, and through her plate art
column in Mishpacha’s Family First Magazine.
Photography by Hudi Greenberger
So creative! My kids cant wait to try these! They are so festive and easy enough for the kids to do themselves. And we love that they are gluten free so everyone can enjoy them.