
Introducing Food Fight- A Cooking Competition by Mishpacha Family Table – Competition Closed

Categories: Cooking and Baking

Kosher.com Staff December 5, 2017

Mishpacha Magazine’s Family Table is so excited to announce our brand new contest sponsored by Kosher.com! Your favorite Family Table Chefs will be going head to head every month, creating an amazingly delicious original recipe with a secret ingredient.

This month? Gefen Lo Mein and Gefen Japanese Noodles!

How do they win? YOU VOTE! Select your favorite dish from the options in the poll . Only the top voted recipes will advance!

The last chef standing will win a $5,000 appliance package to Town Appliance.

Grab a Mishpacha Magazine on newsstands now to see the full recipes, chef profiles, and so much more! The last three rounds will air right here on Kosher.com, so make sure you vote!


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