
Like Elderberry Juice? Does it Need Kosher Supervision?

Categories: Shailah of the Week

OU Kosher May 12, 2020

Shailah of the Week by Rabbi Zvi Nussbaum

Rabbinic Coordinator, Kosher Hotline Administrator for the Orthodox Union


Herbal remedies have been around for centuries and are often used to boost the immune system to fight off colds and flu.


A popular herbal remedy is derived from elderberries and elderberry flowers. Elderberries are best known for their high levels of antioxidants (which can boost immunity) and natural anti-microbial or anti-bacterial qualities.



As the novel coronavirus spreads across the U.S., sales of elderberry supplements have heavily increased.


When wanting to purchase pure Elderberry Juice or Juice concentrate it does not require a kosher certification.  However, the OU suggests avoiding Elderberry Juice with additives. These additives can change the kosher status of a  product, whether it is an  extract, tincture, syrup, pill or gummy.


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