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Middle School Budget-Friendly Supplies

Kosher.com Staff August 23, 2023

The older grades of elementary and middle school bring with them more requirements, a heavier workload, and therefore, many more supplies. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming…or boring, for that matter. And if you have your own locker this year, allow us to assist you in decorating your new abode with some super cute locker accessories!

Locker Décor:

1. Locker Mirror

2. White Board

Option 1

Option 2

3. Pictures for Locker

4. Locker Shelf

5. Magnets for Lockers

Unicorn Glass Magnets

Pink Magnets

Gradient Magnets

6. Locker Pocket

Other Supplies

7. Highlighters

8. Ombre Binder

9. Cute Sticky Notes

10. Planner

Bezend Pocket Planner

White Swirl Planner

Wirebound Maeve Pink Planner

Blue Sky Planner

11. Pencils

12. Super Cheap Spiral Notebooks


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