
Piñata Challah: The Perfect Addition To Your Purim Seudah!

Categories: Purim

Kosher.com Staff February 23, 2023

Mandy Silverman from @mandyliciouschallah joins Naomi Nachman on the latest episode of Sunny Side Up for an awesome Purim episode!

For anyone who doesn’t know who Mandy is, she’s “The Challah Guru,” famous for her outrageously delicious, over-the-top challahs.

Today we’re putting the spotlight on one of the challahs, Piñata Challah, from her latest SSU episode.

It’s a super fun and easy way to bring the festivity to your Purim Seudah table!

Watch the full episode here and watch them make Bourbon Chicken Challah as well!

Piñata Challah How-To:

What you will need:

– 1 pre-made challah (preferably made in a loaf pan so it’s taller, and holds more candy filling)

– Small candies and sprinkles of your choice (about 1 cup)


1. Take your already baked challah, and make a small circle on one of the ends using a small knife or apple corer. Reserve the cut out circle for later.

2. Using a kebob stick, or chopstick, poke around in the hole to break up the challah and pull out the crumbs until mostly hollow.

3. Pour the candy into a measuring cup with a spout and pour into the challah.

4. Close the hole with the reserved challah circle.

Slice and enjoy!


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