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Schlissel Challahs – Why & How?

Tamar Ansh April 19, 2017

As the director of the Jerusalem Challah Center, I get lots of questions all the time about anything and everything to do with challah. I wanted to share with you some of the meaning behind the tradition of “schlissel challah,” or key challah, which is prepared each year for the first Shabbat after Passover, followed by some ideas on how to shape beautiful key challahs that hold their shape.

I know that the first Shabbos immediately following Pesach is what is known as Key Challah week, aka, schlissel challahs. What is this minhag all about?

The minhag to bake schlissel challah for the first Shabbos after Pesach is a long-standing one. To quote the Sefer HaTodah by R’Eliyahu Kitov: “The Shabbat after Pesach when we announce the coming of Iyar some…have the custom to make challah in the form of a key and to sprinkle it with sesame seeds. This is to remind us of the Mahn [manna] that began falling (in the desert) in the month of Iyar; it also symbolizes that the ‘key’ to our parnassah [livelihood] is in Hashem’s hands. We pray that Hashem will …shower us with abundance.”

Others have the custom to bake an actual key into their challah bread on this week. Due to health concerns, we recommend you wrap your key well in parchment paper if following this custom.

Read more about the history and meaning of challah bread.

Sesame seeds are used to depict mahn as they are small and white as it says about the mahn, “they were like small seeds, white, and [tasted] as if they were dipped in honey.”

So since nearly all of us want blessing for a good parnassah, we usually find a way to push ourselves to get those challahs done, even after all the work of Pesach has just finished. I know of one generous soul who always makes extra key challahs to give to some of her neighbors to wish them a blessed year filled with parnassah tovah.

I tried making key challahs so many different ways but they come out looking anything but like a key. Any ideas you can share?

There are lots of interesting ways to make a key challah. I got this beautiful idea from one of my Hamodia readers named Sara E. who hired me to do a private challah show for her whole family on Chanukah.

Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

Prepare your favorite challah dough. Divide into 12. Form each piece into a small ball. Roll out each ball into a rope about an inch thick. Take one end of the rope and form a small circlet with a hole in the center; then wind the rest of the rope in and out around the circle three times, tucking the end inside the circle (see photo). Line up four circles in a row vertically (this forms the shaft or “blade” of the key) and attach two more circles onto one side of the blade as in the photo.

The top part or “bow” of the key (where you grasp it) is formed by placing the remaining 6 circlets at the top of the blade, leaving a hole in the center. Using either a piece of baking paper or foil crushed into a ball shape OR a small round cookie cutter (greased on the outside with oil so it won’t get stuck to the challah as it bakes) fill in the center of the “bow” so it will stay open as it bakes.

Preheat the oven to 375°F/190°C while you let your schlissel challah rise for 20–30 minutes. Don’t let it rise too much or it may lose some of its beautiful shape. Brush the challah with a beaten egg. Then sprinkle with white sesame seeds and bake for 20–25 minutes until browned to perfection both on top and underneath.

When it is done, remove it carefully to a wire rack to cool, being careful that it should not break apart. Freeze it on a flat, lined cookie tray until hardened and then wrap it in plastic until the day of use. Or just shape it that Friday morning and then bring it directly to the table to await Hamotzi that night.

To serve, just break off the little rolls that form the key. If you have more than 12 people at the table, I guess you will have to cut them into smaller slices!

With warmest wishes for parnassah tovah u’v’shefa,

Tamar Ansh

For more Schlissel Challah inspiration, see this post!

Tamar Ansh is a recognized challah expert and runs The Jerusalem Challah Center, the place to book your challah tour in Jerusalem for your next visit to Israel! These interactive challah shows are a great choice for bas mitzvahs parties, engagements, family fun days, kiruv & tour groups visiting Israel. Contact her at info@aTasteofChallah.com.


Tamar Ansh is also the author of several books, among them her bestseller, A Taste of Challah, a photographic guide to making your challahs the best they can be! Her monthly blog, Challah Bytes, attracts readers world-wide.

This article first appeared in Hamodia Publications, 2016.


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3 years ago

Tamar your amazing! Tamar you amazing. I loved making this and wanted to tell you before Shobbos how nice my key shaped Challah came out! I tried the seeds on top in the shape of a key and found that harder than shaping the Challah. Thank you anyway for sharing! Bracha Vehatzlacha! Malka Kornreich!

Sara M. Edelstein, Ph.D.
Sara M. Edelstein, Ph.D.
4 years ago

Shlissel Challah Tamar:

You misquoted the Sefer HaTodah by R’Eliyahu Kitov. He does NOT write that “that there is a “custom to make challah in the form of a key.” He does write that there is a custom to arrange sesame seeds in the shape of a key on top of the challah.

It’s wonderful to be creative in the kitchen, but when you title an article
“Shlissel Challahs – Why & How” and then post it under “Jewish Learning”, you need to present that custom as accurately as possible. As you yourself wrote “since nearly all of us want blessing for a good parnossa, we usually find a way to push ourselves to get those challahs done, even after all the work of Pesach has just finished!” By presenting “those challahs” as intricate key shaped challahs, you place an unnecessary burden upon the uninformed who would otherwise have been more then happy to simply decorate the top of the challah in the shape of a key (see Taamei Haminhagim siman 597) or to merely pierce the dough of the challah with a key (see Taamei Haminhagim siman 596), as was the custom of my ancestors.

Tamar Ansh
Tamar Ansh
Reply to  Sara M. Edelstein, Ph.D.
2 years ago

Hi Sara, and everyone else.

The Sefer Hatoda’ah that I have here does say in the name of R’ Kitov that some have the minhag to make the actual challah in the shape of a key. And thank you Sara, yes he also says that some sprinkle the seeds the way you mentioned. I have the page photocopied if anyone wants to see it directly from the source. You’re also very correct: there’s more than one way to do this minhag. Some do exactly like you said; some press a key into the dough right before it bakes, some wrap the key and put it into the challah, some make it in the key shape…

A key/ shlissel challah needn’t be intricate either. They are simple and fun to create.

The most important part though, is really our tefillos, our prayers, when we do the mitzvah of hafrashas challah. That has the greatest impact.

In addition to this, I interviewed Rebbetzin Sara Meisels of Bobov about this minhag and she gave me even more sources that I also did not know about. This was published originally with Hamodia a few years ago, and I put it up on my site. You can read it all right here:

Thank you for your comments!
Others have the minhag to just press the key into the challah. Some make ordinary challahs and then a small shape of a key to go on top of it. I will be showing this idea in my *FREE* Shlissel Challah Masterclass virtual zoom event this coming WEDNESDAY 27 April, 2022.