
Recipe by Nitra Ladies Auxiliary

Basic Peanut Chews

Parve Parve
Easy Easy
6 Servings


- Peanuts


Basic Peanut Chews

  • 5 cups rice crispies

  • 15 ounces baking chocolate


Prepare Basic Peanut Chews


In a small saucepot, bring corn syrup, peanut butter, and sugar to a boil over medium-low heat. Cook until the sugar is liquefied.


Add rice crispies and mix to coat thoroughly. Spread into a 9×13 inch pan.


In a bowl in the microwave, in 30-second intervals, melt the baking chocolate. Spread melted chocolate over peanut chews.


Cool thoroughly before cutting into one-inch squares.


Photography by Tamara Friedman

Basic Peanut Chews

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Vanessa Kos
Vanessa Kos
2 months ago

what can i use a sub for corn syrup

Chana Fox
Reply to  Vanessa Kos
2 months ago

Hi Vanessa,
You can really use whatever sugar substitute is your taste, such as white sugar, honey, maple syrup, etc. Play around with it and see which one tastes the best!

-Chana Tzirel from Kosher.com

rivka cohen
rivka cohen
5 months ago

they are not the best. they didn’t stick together at all. and way too sweet

Chana Fox
Reply to  rivka cohen
5 months ago

Hi Rivka,
Thanks for this feedback. Sometimes a recipe can take a trial or two before we get it just right. Of course we may need to add our personal touch 🙂

In terms of making it stick together more effectively, you can try using parchment paper or gloved hands to compress the chews down before adding the chocolate.

When it comes to sweetness, this particular dessert is intended to be very sweet (peanut chews are meant to be a type of candy) however if your preference is less sweet, you can always reduce the sugar and try it that way.

Let us know how it comes out! This recipe is part of the iconic Nitra Ladies Auxiliary cookbook. Hopefully you can add your personal touch to this time tested favorite 🙂

-Chana Tzirel from Kosher.com

Marian Bromberg
Marian Bromberg
6 months ago

Can chocolate chips be used instead of baking chocolate?

Mark your comment as a question
Loretta Kay
Loretta Kay
6 months ago

Am going to try

Miriam Diamant
Miriam Diamant
2 years ago

These look absolutely delicious!