
Recipe by Sarah Faygie Berkowitz

Sesame Chicken Burgers with Coated Fries

Meat Meat
Easy Easy
6 Servings
45 Minutes

No Diets specified



  • 1 tablespoon oil

  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

  • 1 medium onion, diced

  • green pepper, diced

  • red pepper, diced

  • salt, to taste

  • pepper, to taste


  • 3 large Idaho potatoes, scrubbed but not peeled

  • 1/2 cup Salad Mate Sesame Chicken Sauce

  • drizzle of toasted Gefen Sesame Oil

  • dash of black or cayenne pepper (optional)

Wine Pairing

Baron Herzog Pinot Grigio


For the Burgers


Heat oils in a frying pan. Add diced onion and peppers, and sauté until golden and fragrant. Season with salt and pepper.


Transfer half of this mixture to a medium bowl and leave the rest in the frying pan. Add ground chicken, egg, bread crumbs, and sauces to the bowl and mix well.


Preheat oven to low broil. Line a baking sheet with Gefen Easy Baking Parchment Paper or foil and nonstick spray.


With wet hands, form six patties out of the chicken mixture. Place on the baking sheet. Broil for 14–15 minutes, and then remove from oven.


Drizzle a bit more toasted sesame oil into the remaining fried pepper and onion in the frying pan. When the oil is hot, add burgers and fry for one to two minutes on each side.

For the Fries


Line a baking sheet with a fresh piece of parchment paper or sprayed foil, and heat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.


Cut potatoes into long, thick strips. Coat with sesame chicken sauce and sesame oil (add black or cayenne pepper if you like spicy fries!) and spread out on the baking sheet. Bake for 20–25 minutes, turning fries over halfway through the baking time.

To Serve


Serve sesame chicken burgers on a toasted whole grain bun, with fries on the side. If you’re a sauce addict, spread a squirt of sesame chicken sauce on top of the burger before serving.

Sesame Chicken Burgers with Coated Fries

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Thomas Shelley
Thomas Shelley
3 years ago

Great recipe!! Where can I purchase Salad Mate Sesame Chicken Sauce? Our local Wegman’s, Walmart and Trader Joe’s don’t have this product in stock. I have tried to find an Internet source, to no avail. I tried Amazon, and they show several brands of Sesame Chicken sauces, but not this specific brand, which I would really like to use. The company web site, apparently, doesn’t do retail sales as I have checked there as well. Any tips are welcomed. Thanks. Tom Shelley, Ithaca NY

Reply to  Thomas Shelley
3 years ago

Hi, I am not sure where you would be able to find it where you live. I know this product is commonly found in Kosher supermarkets. You can try contacting Salad Mate company and see if they can help you find a location near you https://www.saladmate.co/contact-us.html