
Recipe by Rena Salaman

Warm Black-Eyed Bean Salad with Rocket and Dill

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4 Servings

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Mavromatika fasolia salata is an easy dish, as black-eyed beans do not need to be soaked overnight.  By adding spring onions and loads of aromatic dill, it is transformed into a refreshing and healthy meal. It can be served hot or at room temperature.


Warm Black-Eyed Bean Salad with Rocket and Dill

  • 275 grams/10 ounces/1 and 1/2 cups black-eyed beans/peas

  • salt

  • ground black pepper

  • 5 spring onions/scallions, trimmed, [cleaned] and sliced into rounds

  • large handful of fresh rocket/arugula leaves, chopped if large

  • 1.5–2 grams/3–4 tablespoons chopped fresh dill



Thoroughly rinse the beans and drain them well. Tip them into a pan and pour in cold water to just cover them. Slowly bring them to the boil over a low heat. As soon as the water is boiling, remove the pan from the heat and drain the water off immediately.


Put the beans back in the pan with fresh cold water to cover and add a pinch of salt – this will make their skins tougher and stop them from disintegrating when they are cooked.


Bring the beans to the boil over a medium heat and cook them until they are just soft but retaining a slight bite – a little al dente! This will take about 10–12 minutes. Keep an eye on them and keep testing them. This is important – they shouldn’t be mushy.


Drain the beans, reserving 75–90 milliliters/five to six tablespoons of the cooking liquid. Tip the beans into a large salad bowl. Immediately add the remaining ingredients, including the reserved liquid, and mix well.


Serve immediately, piled on the lettuce leaves, or leave to cool slightly and serve later.


Recipe excerpted from Rena Salaman’s FOOD & COOKING OF GREECE
ISBN 9780754835455
240 pages, £20 / $35
© and Published by Lorenz Books
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Warm Black-Eyed Bean Salad with Rocket and Dill

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