
Video By Let's Talk Kashrus Episode 87

Hydroponic Quest

Hydroponic Quest

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Tally Traksbetrygier
Tally Traksbetrygier
3 months ago

Rabbi good evening,
I’m responsible for 2 green houses in São Paulo Brazil. We have a lot of problems to educate the religious community to buy the proper green products. It’s like a fight.People think that it’s the same then the vegetables grown on earth. Can you help us?
We work under the supervision of Rav Vaie Shlita.
I would like to get in touch with you.
My email is tally.chaia@gmail.com
Or 5511967357607 Whatsapp
Thank you so much
Mrs Tally Gheventer

Chana Fox
Reply to  Tally Traksbetrygier
3 months ago

Hi Tally,
Thank you for reaching out! We passed along your message.

-Chana Tzirel from Kosher.com

frieda kroynik
frieda kroynik
10 months ago

Does it change the fact that if it is not grown in the earth, it has the same brachos instead of “borei p’re ha’adama?

10 months ago

Is it possible to get frozen Blueberries anymore? Lookign for Bodek frozen blueberries or kashrus equivalent. Does any company make that?
thank you