
Video By Kitchen Ambush Episode 4

Reclaiming Calm in the Kitchen

Reclaiming Calm in the Kitchen

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Chaya Berman
Chaya Berman
12 days ago

Ive been waiting and waiting for another……………..
how much longer??

Tova Stern
Tova Stern
Reply to  Chaya Berman
6 days ago


Chana B
Chana B
2 months ago

So validating….some of my closets look like the clutter before the clean-up!!! Maybe it’s time to get an organizer!

3 months ago

is there going to be another one?
I loved this show 🙂

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Reply to  F W
3 months ago

Stay tuned!

Fayge Spira
Fayge Spira
5 months ago

Where did you get the junk draw organizers from.

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Last edited 5 months ago by Fayge Spira
yehudit levichaim
yehudit levichaim
6 months ago

how can i get hold of tzipporah

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Reply to  yehudit levichaim
6 months ago

You can reach out to her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/make.myspace/

10 months ago

What containers where used for the food?

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Reply to  Zissy
10 months ago
D. Schiff
D. Schiff
11 months ago

Regarding the new oil dispensers: do they make these in anything that is not glass? Though I love the idea of these oil dispensers, I am a little nervous about them dropping & breaking, especially as a result of a bit of residue that can get on the outside, & thus increase the chances of it slipping out of the hands & breaking & then having to deal with an oil mess.

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Reply to  D. Schiff
11 months ago

Something like this should work https://amzn.to/3P8QRou

1 year ago

Is there going to be another one?

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Fayge Spira
Fayge Spira
1 year ago

Amazing show!!!!!one question were did you get those lazy Susans.

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D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Fayge Spira
1 year ago

Possibly The Container Store like other items questioned about below (oil dispensers, bag organizer). I saw a very wide variety of lazy Suzans (possibly including the ones on the final episode) on The Container Store website. Also, I am assuming you can get them in Bed, Bath, & Beyond. Even frum housewares stores (especially those that specialize in organizing products) carry lazy suzans.

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
1 year ago

When is the article on the behind the scenes of this show or series of these shows being posted please?

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lieby nisenbaum
lieby nisenbaum
1 year ago

this show is amazing!! can’t wait for the next one!

1 year ago

I would like to know which oil dispensers you used?

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D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Zissy
1 year ago

The ones in the video I saw on the container store website too.

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Zissy
1 year ago
Blimi Raitport
Blimi Raitport
1 year ago

Hey I loved this series please make another one.
Thank you!

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Blimi Raitport
1 year ago

I also love this series & would like another one. May I please suggest that it includes one where there’s a crawling baby &/or toddler in the house, especially one that gets into EVERYTHING, whether with the use of child proof locks or not?

1 year ago

Can you please share the link to the wooden Ziploc bag organizer featured at time stamp 9:48?

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D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Blima
1 year ago

I would like to see it too. I’ve never seen such a thing

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Blima
1 year ago

I just saw these bag organizers (one which is I think the same one as shown in the video) on the container store website. Maybe that’s where she got it from.

D. Schiff
D. Schiff
Reply to  Blima
1 year ago

That is the link to the page on the container store website where I saw the bag organizer

Leah Gottheim
Reply to  Blima
1 year ago

That’s actually the one item that Chayitty had from her “old” kitchen that we kept. We’re going to post an article soon about behind the scenes on the show that will have links to some of the other organizing items from the show.

Leah Gottheim
Reply to  Blima
1 year ago

Searching for similar items on amazon turns up these options: https://amzn.to/45Ga33d

Chaya Landau
Chaya Landau
1 year ago

Wow! No words you are amazing at what you do, was a great series loved every minute ! We need more!

Steinberg Steinberg
Steinberg Steinberg
1 year ago

WOW you’re such a good organizer!!

sarala feller
sarala feller
1 year ago

love this series!!!!

ra ja
ra ja
1 year ago

LOVE this series!!! i really appreciated the end when we were able to see the full kitchen and each drawer. In the future, if we can see the process as well that would be beyond! Thanks for an awesome series!!!

Etty Konig
Etty Konig
1 year ago

incredible!!! Thanks for my fav show ever!!! cant wait for the next 1!!! just wondering… b4 there was so much more food where did it all go??

T.Izsak MakeMySpace
T.Izsak MakeMySpace
Reply to  Etty Konig
1 year ago

it’s all in the pantry 🙂

Gayil Zager
Gayil Zager
1 year ago

They don’t show when the kids come home! Her whole thing was to get it done by the time they come home, no?