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A Very Special Mitzvah Checklist For Kids

Kosher.com Staff November 22, 2023

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Over the last few weeks our minds and hearts have been with Israel. Our shuls and schools have organized learning opportunities, bake sales, donation drives, and many other efforts to support the Jewish people in Israel in any way we can. 

Still, you might be wondering what more we can do to help.

The answer lies right in front of you; involve your children. 

We’ve created a mitzvah checklist for your kids so they too can feel involved and spread the light with us. No act is too small, and in fact, there is so much power in spreading light and doing mitzvot. Hashem wants us all to be connected, and this is a beautiful and doable task for kids.

Not only will this checklist make your kids feel like they are helping Israel, their mitzvot will help Israel. Am Yisroel Chai!