
Recipe by Raizy Fried

Mini Chicken Pot Pies

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Meat Meat
Easy Easy
10 Servings
40 Minutes

No Diets specified

If you could choose just one dish to survive on for the rest of your life, what would you choose? While we love chocolate babka and licorice, our choice would most probably be something a bit more nutritious. I’m thinking a balanced dish that has both vegetables and protein. We would select a dish that can be classified as comfort food, something that will keep us feeling happy and cozy. Something like chicken pot pie. Although we don’t have to choose just one dish for life (I seriously don’t know where I was trying to go with all of that…) (Maybe just for an interesting ‘pull-in’ introduction… after all, you are reading it. Even the parenthesis!), I believe this chicken pot pie will be a frequent choice. Because recipes like these are loved by all. I mean, what’s there not to love?? It’s healthy and hearty, and the little individual servings are just adorable! So, choose this for dinner tonight. As you serve these to your family, just set back and watch them crack those layers of puff pastry to get to the good stuff. Then, after you see those smiles, go ahead, take your spoon, crack through that layer and experience the delicious chicken pot pie for yourself.


Main ingredients

  • 1 large onion, diced

  • 3 tablespoons oil, for sautéing

  • 1 large Idaho potato, cubed

  • 3 stalks celery, cubed

  • 2 cups mixed vegetables (frozen mix)

  • 1 pound chicken cutlets, diced

  • 1/2 teaspoon Haddar Kosher Salt

Wine Pairing

Covennat Tribe Chardonnay


Chicken Pot Pies


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.


In a medium pot, heat the oil. Once heated, sauté the onions for about 2-3 minutes on high heat till soft. Add the other vegetables and potatoes and sauté for another 2 minutes. Then add the cubed chicken and the spices and mix well.


Pour in the chicken stock, cover, and bring to a boil. Cook on high for five minutes, and then add in the flour and mix well.


Pour the mixture into individual ramekin dishes. Cover each ramekin with a thawed pastry square. Bend over sides of the dough over the dish and pierce a few holes at the top with a fork.


Bake at 375 for about 20 minutes, or until puff pastry is golden.

Chicken Pot Pies

Yields 9-10 mini pot pies.

Mini Chicken Pot Pies

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Ahuva Fruchter
Ahuva Fruchter
7 years ago

Can this be made in one large pie I LOVE chicken pot pie. Such an oldie, but goodie, kind of meal. Raizy, tell me how this can be adapted as one big pie.

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Reply to  Ahuva Fruchter
7 years ago

Do it in pyrex or rameken pie dish and use a piece of rolled flakey dough

Fayge Hackerman
Fayge Hackerman
3 years ago
