
Recipe by Elisheva Frankel

Tasty Fish Sticks

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Parve Parve
Easy Easy
4 Servings

Practical meets tasty in this recipe. Similar to schnitzel, these can be baked or fried and are delicious either way. The spices in this recipe really take these fish sticks up a level.


Fish Sticks

  • 1/2 tablespoon onion powder, divided

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, divided

  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika

  • pinch of black pepper


Prepare the Tasty Fish Sticks


Slice the fish into one-inch (two and 1/2-centimeter) thick fingers. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside.


Set up three bowls. Bowl one: Mix half the salt, onion powder, and garlic powder with the flour. Bowl two: Add the lightly beaten egg. Bowl 3: Mix the other half of the salt, onion powder, and garlic powder with the paprika, pepper, and matzah meal or bread crumbs.


Dip the fish into the flour mixture to cover and shake lightly to remove excess. Next, dip it into the egg and then the bread crumb or matzah meal mixture. Lay the fish onto the lightly oiled baking sheet and continue until each piece is coated. Spray with cooking spray and bake for 12–14 minutes.


Check for doneness by cutting a fish stick in half to see if it’s cooked through.



For spicy fish sticks: Add 1/2 tablespoon cumin, two teaspoons turmeric, and 1/2 tablespoon cilantro to the bread crumbs mixture. This adds flavor and a little kick. For even more kick, add some chili powder, to taste.


If you’re short on time: Skip the flour and egg and instead coat the fish with a thin layer of mayonnaise mixed with spices. Then dip into seasoned matzah meal or bread crumbs and continue as above.


To fry: You can also fry this fish; just skip the cooking spray. Fry on each side until golden and check for doneness as above.


No British fish and chips dinner is complete without the chips, of course. (For the uninitiated, those are French fries.) So if you were hoping for some real British cuisine, how about a chip butty? Served in places called “chippies,” this is a classic British street food. Disclaimer: You won’t find this in a posh restaurant! To make at home: Spread a thin layer of Mehadrin Butter onto two slices of bread or two sides of a roll and fill with freshly fried and salted French fries. Top with ketchup if desired. (Skip the butter if using for a fleishig meal.) Serve with fried fish or on its own and enjoy. Remember to call the French fries “chips” for the authentic experience!

Tasty Fish Sticks

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