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Richelle Tarko

Hailing from Seattle, Washington; Richelle currently lives in Washington Heights (NYC) and is part of the YU community with her husband and french bulldog- Taco. Despite her current location, she considers herself a West Coaster through and through and is greatly influenced by the diversity and laid back style she grew up with. While currently working in bookkeeping, Richelle's true passion lies in the kitchen, which is where you can find her at all non working hours. Soon after she got married, Richelle started her blog @cookingnotcleaning on Instagram and online to share recipes and helpful techniques, and where she also found her love of food photography. Richelle aspires to one day have a full-time career in food media by honing her food photography skills, continuing to develop recipes, and building her online community in the kosher world. You can follow along with Richelle's shenanigans @cookingnotcleaning on Instagram and online at cookingnotcleaning.com.