
8 Amazing Hot Cocoa Recipes To Welcome Winter

Categories: Recipe Roundups

Kosher.com Staff December 27, 2023

You thought there was only one type of hot cocoa? Think again!


In honor of the first day of winter, we’re sharing 8 of the best hot cocoa recipes. From hot cocoa on a stick (you read that correctly) and Argentinian hot cocoa to white hot cocoa and cinnamon-spiced hot cocoa, there is something for everyone on this list.


So put on your cozy socks and get your favorite mug out because you’re going to be sipping these all season long.


Happy first day of winter!


  1. Hot Cocoa Sticks by The Peppermill

  2. Exotic Hot Chocolate Drink from the Nitra Cookbook

  3. Mudslide S’mores Hot Chocolate by Malky and Yossi Levine

  4. White Hot Chocolate by Rikki Samuels

  5. Frozen Hot Chocolate by Jenna Grunfeld

  6. El Submarino – Argentinian Hot Chocolate by KosherEye.com

  7. Raspberry Swirl Brownies with Raspberry Mocha Hot Chocolate by Esther Deutsch

  8. Mocha Cinnamon Hot Cocoa from the Dining In Cookbook


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