It’s a new year, which means it’s time to round up our top recipe searches of 2023. We love to look back on what our readers searched for most. Whether it’s recipes that we expect to see, like Esty’s Best Challah Recipe Ever and Last Minute Miami Ribs, or recipes that are new to the list like One-Pan Chicken and Broccoli and Arayes, it’s always fun to take a look at and celebrate what YOU love and shine a light on those recipes for readers who are yet to make them in their homes.
Stay tuned for more top searched articles and shows coming tomorrow!
Here are our top searched recipes of 2023!
1. Last-Minute Miami Ribs by Estee Kafra
This is one of my favorite last minute, never-fail sauces and tastes terrific on Miami ribs. It couldn’t be simpler to prepare. Miami ribs are beef short ribs (flanken) that have been sliced into thin strips across the bone by the butcher. They’re about 1/2-inch thick. Short ribs are a kosher cut of beef. In this recipe, they are baked in the oven at 300 degrees Fahrenheit in a sweet honey-soy sauce for two hours.

2. Best Challah Ever by Esty Wolbe
Thousands of women swear by this challah recipe and make it for Shabbat every week. It’s just the right amount of sweetness, a soft and doughy consistency, with a rich flavor. The dough rises well and is easy to work with, not too sticky to braid. The recipe is very versatile and you can easily adapt it to your own taste and it will still come out great.

3. One-Pan Chicken and Broccoli by Rena Tuchinsky
If you love Chinese chicken and broccoli you’ll absolutely love this meal! What’s even better, it takes less time to prepare than placing your takeout order.

4. Classic Kreplach by Carol Ungar
Kreplach aren’t Jewish wontons. The traditional dumplings are a kabbalistic food expressing the nature of Divine judgement. The white dough covering stands for Divine mercy, while the red meat filling stands for Divine justice. In Jewish mysticism, red, the color of blood, represents strict justice while white, the color of milk, represents mercy and love. Kreplach incorporate both, and on Yom Kippur, when G-d inscribes the judgement, we want the justice to be covered with mercy, like the meat of the kreplach encased in its blanket of white dough. Chickens are used during the pre-Yom Kippur atonement ritual of kaparot, which can be performed by swinging a live chicken over one’s head and reciting a prayer that declares that the chicken is going to its death in place of the person performing the ritual (traditionally, the chicken used for the ritual is slaughtered and donated to the poor for the pre-Yom Kippur meal). The stark drama of the kaparot ritual demonstrates the fragility of our existence and inspires us toward repentance. For this reason, it’s an ancient tradition to float kreplach in chicken soup eaten at the pre-fast meal.

5. Sweet and Sour Meatballs from the Dining In Cookbook
The perfect combination of sweet and sour, these meatballs are tender yet firm, holding their shape beautifully. Feel free to shape the meatballs as big or small as you like. This recipe will become a staple on your dinner rotation, because it’s that good!

6. Upside-Down Apple Honey Cake for Rosh Hashanah by Sara Linder
This beautiful apple and honey upside-down cake has a honey caramel topping that takes it over the top!

7. The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie by Estee Kafra
The perfect chocolate chip cookie… made with oil?? Not margarine? Couldn’t be. But it is. It rarely happens, but when it does, it makes me happy: a perfect recipe, that tastes great, looks gorgeous and is simple enough for my 12-year-old daughter to make by herself from start to finish. To my mind, that’s the perfect recipe.

8. Bubbe’s Brisket (Easy Stovetop Brisket Recipe) by Jennifer Robins and Simone Miller
This brisket comes out beautifully tender every time! Unlike barbecued brisket, this one cooks in broth on the stovetop, which helps seal in all the juices!

9. Caramelized Onion, Honey, and Chestnut Chicken by Tammy Israel
Full of flavor and easy to put together- you can’t go wrong with adding this chicken, caramelized onion and chestnut dish to your menu.

10. Arayes by Esty Wolbe
You might not expect to find arayes, a Lebenese/Middle Eastern BBQ dish, on your picky eaters’ lists, but they will surprise you! In this recipe, we are stuffing pitas with a combo of ground beef and ground lamb, along with plenty of fresh herbs. Pop them on the grill and you’ll have a healthy kid-friendly sandwich in minutes.
