
Our Top 10 Freezer-Friendly Rosh Hashana Recipes

Categories: Recipe Roundups

Kosher.com Staff August 10, 2020

Okay, okay, don’t panic, there still is time before Rosh Hashana (6 weeks to be exact). But Tisha b’Av is over and Elul is coming closer. Yes, most of us probably won’t think about it for another month at least. But for those who are organized or are turning over a new leaf for the new year – here’s a chance to get prepared.

These are our top 10 Rosh Hashana recipes that are freezer friendly too! So during the next rainy day, or when you have a quiet moment, whip out these dishes and come the week of the holidays you’ll have your entire meal prepared in advance!

  1. Pomegranate Braised Brisket by Danielle Renov
  2. Oven-Baked Glazed Corned Beef by Renee Chernin
  3. Best-Ever Carrot Loaf by Rivky Kleiman
  4. Chocolate Lava Cake by Faigy Grossmann
  5. Apple-Pear Fruit Crumble by Estee Kafra
  6. Sweet and Sour Chicken by Rivky Kleiman
  7. Onion Chicken Meatball Soup by Eve Elenhorn
  8. Caramel Apple Halva Babka by Erin Grunstein
  9. Deli Roses by The Peppermill
  10. Apples & Honey Mustard Chicken by Danielle Renov (Note: freeze raw)
Check out our complete collection of Rosh Hashanah recipes for mains, sides, soups, desserts, and more inspiration for the holiday.


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