Now that Passover is behind us, we are all looking forward to that first unbelievable bite of Challah. The beautiful tradition of baking Challah is especially meaningful this week, since it’s customary to bake shlissel Challahs with a key inside or in the shape of a key, as a sign for parnasah (livelihood). We’ve compiled our top Challah recipes as inspiration for the newbies as well as seasoned Challah bakers who want to jazz up their current Challah repertoire. (New recipe alert – Pesto and Goat Cheese Stuffed Challah? YESSS!)
- Spelt Challah by Levana Kirschenbaum
- Pesto and Goat Cheese Stuffed Challah by Shannon Sarna
- Hindy’s Water Challah by Hindy Bertram
- Large Batch Homemade Challah by Faigie
- Gluten-Free Oat Challah by Sharon Matten
- Must Make Half and Half Challahs by Mindy Rafalowitz
- Dining In Whole Wheat Challah from the Dining In cookbook
- Light and Fluffy Challah from the Dining In cookbook
- Showstopper Shabbos Challah by Efrat Libfroind
- Heimishe Kitchen Challah from the Nitra cookbook
- Best Challah Ever by Esty Wolbe
- Tremendous Simcha Challah by Tamar Ansh
- Incredible Challah Dough by Tamar Ansh
- The Perfect Challah by Kiki Fisher
- Super Popular Round Challah by Estee Kafra
- Challah With Streusel (Crumbs) by Brynie Greisman
- Estee Kafra’s Whole Wheat Challah by Estee Kafra
- Orly’s Famous Gluten-Free Challah by Orly Gottesman
- “Like the Bakery” Basic Yeast Dough by Clara Fatal
- Brynie’s No-Fail Challah Dough by Brynie Greisman
- Honey Challah with a Touch of Apples by Temi Philip
- Fingerlicken Challah by Fay Singer
- Best Whole Wheat Challah by Chavie
- Kosher Scoop Winner Multi-Grain Challah by Lynne
- The Best-Ever Challah by Toby
- Delicious Bread Machine Challah by smh
- Great Whole Wheat Challah by Rena
- Delicious Whole Wheat Challah by Mindy
- Charlotte’s Challah by Charlotte
- Sweet Raisin Challah by Estee Kafra
- Awesome White Whole Wheat Challah by Estee Kafra
- Rena’s Great Whole Wheat Challah by Rena