
16 Dairy-Free Fruity Frozen Treats

Categories: Shavuot

Renee Schwartz May 28, 2024

Traditionally, Shavuot is celebrated with an abundance of dairy dishes, but whether you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or simply seeking new and exciting flavors, the collection of recipes below offers delicious alternatives. From creamy coconut milk ice creams to fruity sorbets, these recipes ensure you can enjoy the sweetness of the holiday without any dairy.

Dive into these refreshing dairy-free frozen treats that are perfect for celebrating the holiday. Let’s get scooping!

1. Strawberry Ice Cream Sensation Dessert from the Dining In Cookbook

2. Vanilla Strawberry Trifles by Rivky Kleiman

A beautiful presentation and easy to prepare. A winning combination.

3. Healthy Ice Pops 4 Ways by Esti Lichtenstein

4. Frozen Fruitopia for a Crowd by Chavi Feldman

My good friend Rifky told me about her “cheat” dessert using sorbet and frozen fruit that always makes a hit. I played around with the concept, elevated it, and spiked it to give it that extra kick. When I had some company recently, we passed it around the table, and I certainly got the reaction I was hoping for! Plates wiped clean after double and even triple helpings! It’s delicious even without the optional topping, but if you have the extra time to whip it together, it definitely takes this dessert to the next level.

5. Kiwi Watermelon Pops by Mirel Freylich

A great way to get your kids to “eat healthy.”

6. Sorbet and Ice Cream Sandwich Trifle by Esther Deutsch

7. Strawberry-Banana Frozen Mousse by Dinah Bucholz

This recipe is slightly more fuss but completely worth it. Cooking the strawberries down reduces the iciness in the frozen mousse, resulting in a creamier confection than just puréeing the strawberries fresh.

8. Creamy Pineapple Sorbet by Faigy Grossman

This delightful sorbet is refreshing, tasty, and oh so good! The lime juice has a distinctive, delicious flavor (don’t be tempted to substitute with lemon). It’s easy to prepare, since you can freeze the fruit in advance.

9. Pareve Strawberry Ice Cream and Crunch by Yehudis and Moishy

10. Strawberry Pomegranate Sorbet by Rivka Fried

This sorbet will hack it! One bowl, no mixer and the result is still decadent. Trust me on this one!

11. Kiwi-Honey-Lemon Pops by Marilyn Ayalon

Say goodbye to store-bought ices loaded with artifical flavors and food coloring! Here’s an array of 100% natural fruit pops made from fresh fruit. They’re refreshing, delicious, and perfect for a lazy summer day. A terrific treat for young and old alike. Kiwi-Honey-Lemon Pops are pictured at right. Also pictured: Melon-Cherry Pops, Grape-Mint Pops, Coconut-Pineapple Pops, Mango-Passionfruit Pops, Orange-Watermelon Pops.

12. Cool Lemon Ices by Chevy Slomovics and Raizy Janklowitz

13. Frozen Blueberry Crumble by Shifra Klein

Inspired by the classic dessert at the famous Mike’s Bistro restaurant in midtown Manhattan, this is a refreshing, unique dessert that incorporates the natural pairing of fruit crumble and ice cream into one memorable treat.

14. Peach Sorbet by Alexa Greenblatt

Sorbets are a great Shabbat afternoon treat on these long summer days. They usually take a while to eat, consuming a big part of your afternoon when usually everyone else is noshing.

They are also super refreshing due to their high water content. It’s lower in calories, rich in nutrients and minerals, and a great dairy-free option for a snack!

You do have to be careful because a lot of sorbets can have a lot of added sugars or sweeteners, making them less healthy. When you make your own at home, you can measure the exact portions and what is going in it.

Try it one Shabbat afternoon. It may turn into your favorite Shabbat afternoon treat!

15. Lemondary Ice Cream by Michal Frischman

This is a blatant copycat version of this season’s Trader Joe’s lemon ice cream, which is quite tragically dairy. Well, dry your tears because this version is pretty close.

16. Pineapple Ice Cream from the Nitra Cookbook

This sorbet-like ice cream scoops out beautifully, and has a wonderful texture and taste. The pineapple taste is not very overwhelming, but it’s present. This makes a very refreshing, parve dessert perfect for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal.


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