We are closing the chapter on Summer 2023, and it has been super real. Long lazy days, barbecues on repeat- it is hard to imagine getting back to structure and schedule, suppertimes, and bed times. Although there is something to be said for routine, we will miss summer and the relaxed vibe, vibrant food, and sunny days that it brings. As a final farewell, we bring you a round up of last licks- food and ingredients that remind us that even when it is gone, we can still taste the feeling of summertime. Enjoy.
1. Bright and Fresh Slaw by Michal Frischman
This quick and easy slaw can be prepped and ready in a few minutes.
2. Lemon Za’atar Cauliflower by Molly Hagler
There’s something so fresh and delicious about the combination of the lemon juice and zaatar! This is the perfect side dish to accompany any meal!
3. Good Ol’ Guac by Avigail Maizlik
Everyone loves a good “guac.” Before you get fancy, go back to the foundations with this basic guacamole, and enjoy!
4. Rainbow Fish Grill by Dresses and Dressings
I usually grill once a week- but fish never makes an appearance on grill night! I wasn’t sure how I would feel about skipping our weekly grilled chicken, but let’s just say, I think I’ll be doing it again. This dish is beautiful, simple to prepare, and filled with good-for-you-food. Let’s grill!
As I don’t have a pareve BBQ grill, I need to use a grill pan when I want to grill fish. If you can grill it outside, though, do it! It’s more convenient to have all of your dinner components grilling in the same place. Having said that, this was one of my family’s favorite salmon recipes ever- so don’t skip it because you need to use a grill pan!
5. Chili-Lime Grilled Chicken by Dorit Teichman, Main Event Caterers
6. Grilled Chicken Breasts with Chimichurri Sauce by Estee Kafra
Grilled chicken is always delicious (when cooked right). Add this zesty sauce, with its fresh flavors and bright colors, for a special treat.
7. Summer Ragu with Corn and Gnocchi by Ashira Mirsky
This summery gnocchi dish appeals to all palates! What could be better than bright toasted corn alongside a rich, meaty gnocchi sauce?
8. Farro, Corn, and Plum Salad by Ashira Mirsky
I’m always looking for new, interesting salad ideas that don’t involve lettuce. This salad is the perfect answer for shalosh seudot, Shabbat lunch, or weekday. It tastes great cold or room temperature and can be made in advance. Its vibrant fresh flavors will leave you craving it again and again.
9. Maple-Herb Split Minute Roast by Michal Frischman
Chanie has been singing the praises of split minute roasts forever, but it’s not something I generally see on my grocer’s shelves, so I’ve never bought it before (or been not-lazy enough to ask my butcher to remove the vein in the whole minute roasts I do see). But when I asked Dov Bauman of Glatt Mart which cut he recommends most for grilling, he said that if minute roasts didn’t have the vein running through them, he’d never sell another rib steak. That’s high praise! I took the expert’s word for it and wasn’t disappointed. This is officially kicking skirt steak, London broil, and hanger steak off my menus for a while.
10. Ribeye Steak with Gremolata by Adina Schlass
11. Beef Fry Dog by Chanie Nayman
12. Spinach Pesto with Tomatoes by Estee Kafra
Spinach pesto has a milder flavor than standard basil pesto, and it goes beautifully with both a dressed-up and dressed-down meal. I’ve served this salad deconstructed as an appetizer as well. Here I’ve given both a parve and a dairy option. Don’t be scared of the tofu if you’ve never tried it. It takes the flavor of the pesto and is a great way to add protein and color to this salad.
13. Grilled Garlic Zucchini Slices by Nechama Norman
My sister Faige tried this one out one summer many years ago. Now, whenever we grill, this is the go-to side dish.
14. Mixed-Berry Apple Bake by Rivky Kleiman
When I set out to develop this recipe, I thought, not another boring apple bake. Well, mission accomplished… The crumb topping and mixed berries are a testament that something new can be amazing!
15. Pesto Potato Salad by Sina Mizrahi
This pesto potato salad is every bit as creamy as its classic counterpart. The pesto adds a nice twist, and the sour cream gives it a tangy undertone. It’s a refreshing change from the typical potato salad, and even feels lighter.
16. Best-Dressed Quinoa Veggie Salad by Brynie Greisman
This salad is outstanding. A medley of quinoa, roasted veggies, and add-ins, with an awesome dressing to bring it all together.
17. Sautéed Summer Greens by Yocheved Shvarzblat
This is a delightful dish that’ll lighten up your meal. Summer greens for summer nights; feel the freshness in every bite. Go for seconds? You just might.
18. Middle Eastern Pasta with Gremolata by Marilyn Ayalon
Treat your family to genuine Middle Eastern flavor with this tomato-and-olive pasta dish enhanced by gremolata, which is a mixture of chopped oregano, parsley, garlic, and lemon zest. Similar to pesto, it adds great flavor to everything you try it with.
19. Balsamic Mushroom Skewers by Tova Lowenthal
I always love skewers when barbecuing. They make a great finger food and they’re just so much fun to eat. This marinade gives the mushrooms a delicious garlicky taste. You can prepare them in advance and then just throw them on the grill with no further preparation.
If you are using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 30 minutes before grilling so they don’t burn.
20. S’mores Stuffed Strawberries by Family Table
Watch these S’mores come to life along with 2 other amazing strawberry ideas here!
21. Limonana Sorbet by Brynie Greisman
Limonana is a frosty summer beverage that’s a classic favorite in Israel. It’s a sweet, refreshing slushy drink made with lemon and mint. Here, I’ve taken it to the next level and made it into a sorbet. I used my new mint plant, so the herbs would be very fresh, and we couldn’t get enough of it!
22. S’mores Bars by Nechama Norman
These bars take no time to make and they are super delicious. It’s like taking a bite into summer!